52 Lists - Week 10

Last week's list asked for the ways I feel lucky. I could bore you with my list, but I won't. All you need to know is that it was quite a long list, and it wasn't a difficult list to make. For all the crappy things that have happened in the last year and a half, there are still so many good things in my life. So many beautiful things. 

Even though we have lost three babies, we are still able to get pregnant. We've been blessed with four pregnancies, and three, beautiful babies that we've been able to name. We've been through some super hard moments in our grief, but we've been surrounded and supported by an extremely loving community (in addition to our family and friends). In my worst moments, when everything feels like it's falling apart and there's no reason to keep living, I have to remember that there are a lot of reasons to keep going.

I've been given a difficult hand, but the good things are always there to help me see the light.

This week's list asks for things that made me happy as a child. See you next week!