Our Last Friday Alone

Every day since Tuesday this week, Brandon and I keep saying to each other "last Wednesday without a baby!" We say it every single day because we are seriously so excited. We have been waiting for our lives to change in this way for three years now, and it is finally about to happen!

A lot of people (I feel like) have a whole list of things they want to do before they have a baby, or they get nervous about the way their new baby will affect the way they are currently living, The other day I asked Brandon what he is most looking forward to about having Hudson here, and his answer was not something that most people would probably say. He told me that he is simply looking forward to adding another dimension to our lives. He's ready to take Hudson places with us and introduce him to the world. He said "I know it will take longer to do things and we'll have to plan a little bit more, but I'm excited for it."

When we told my parents we were pregnant with Carter, my dad asked me how we decided we were ready to have a baby. I remember telling him that we were ready and excited to add another team member to our family. I said basically what Brandon told me, that we were ready to start doing things with another person, and to show him the world. People have always told us that it's good we traveled so much before we had kids, because we wouldn't be able to when we did have kids, but traveling with kids is actually one thing we are really planning to do. We realize that it won't be as easy or as cheap as it has been for the two of us, but we have talked so many times about traveling the world with our kids, and are really looking forward to it.

That might have all been a little jumbled. My brain is having a hard time processing literally anything right now because all I can think about is the fact that Hudson will be here in four days. Four days from now we'll be at the hospital getting prepped to meet our boy, and I can't believe it. We're still hoping that he flips, but at this point, we'll just take him however he needs to come.

We were talking the other day about how we feel like life has been stagnant for the last two years and that we are more than ready for a change. Life should have changed when Carter came, and it did, but it also stayed the same. Having Hudson here is going to change our lives in the best way, and we are so extremely ready for it. This is our last weekend without a baby, and I don't even know what we're going to do. We are so excited for life with him that we'll probably just end up sitting here twiddling our thumbs, waiting for his arrival!