Seven Months with Hudson

I’ve realized what causes me to not blog frequently. Dumb short naps!! Hudson has been taking thirty minute naps for the last who knows how long and I can’t get anything done. But today he is napping so well!! I put blankets over his window to block out all the light and I guess it worked? I bought material to turn his curtains into black out curtains like a month ago and have yet to do it, so guess what’s happening tonight. I made Brandon promise me that he wouldn’t let me put it off anymore. We just have been so busy that we have all sorts of shows to catch up on and the curtains have taken a backseat haha.

We’ve been in our house for just over a month now and it really feels like home. We’re slowly starting to hang things up on the walls, and each shelf of our built-ins finally has something on it (we had one empty shelf up until like Thursday last week). When we were driving home from the airport last weekend, I forgot for a second that we had moved, so when Brandon drove past the old exit I was confused. It was so nice coming home to this house though. We’re settled in and making all sorts of memories!

Onto the important part of this post though…Hudson! Saturday marked seven months with him, which is honestly so crazy. We sat down last night and watched our birth vlog again, and it doesn’t feel like all that long ago. He was so small! He’s still small now, but he’s getting bigger. Ever since we got back from Disneyland though I feel like he’s a different baby. He babbles differently, reaches for me when he wants to be held, and altogether seems more grown up. His favorite toys right now include a little butterfly that makes music, his exersaucer (still), and a little necklace type toy that he got for Christmas. He has been sitting up in a high chair for a while now, but every time we go out to eat I still can’t get over it.

While we were on vacation he wouldn’t baby food, but now that we’re home and back into a routine, he’s back to being a good eater again! He has zero interest in actual solids, but he does a good job of opening his mouth when I give him a spoonful of something, so that’s good. He does have mashed banana every morning for breakfast, but still isn’t feeding himself, which is okay. We’ll get there! He’s not crawling yet either, but he finally started rolling from his back to his stomach about two weeks ago! And he loves to stand and walk with assistance. Once he does start to crawl, he’s going to constantly be on the move!

Probably my favorite thing right now is that he has started to smile whenever we take pictures. He especially loves to smile for selfies, but he does a good job when we’re behind the camera too. We got some super cute pictures of him while we were in Disneyland and I can’t wait to get them back! And on that note…two Disney trips in seven months of life. He’s making us proud!

All in all, he’s just really fun to have around. He' makes our days happier (and nights too, now that he’s sleeping well), and we’re so grateful to have him here. Each stage just keeps getting better, and we can’t wait to keep watching him grow!