Three Months With Hudson

I swear you guys, every stage of this baby thing just gets better and better. In the last month, Hudson has gotten SO smiley and chatty, and reacts every time Brandon and I talk to him. When he wakes up from the night and his naps he gives me the sleepiest smiles that just kill me. He has also started to do this thing when I put him down to sleep where he’ll fuss (calmly, if that makes sense) until I pick him up and rock him, and I can see him smiling under his pacifier. I can’t even be mad about it because it’s so dang cute. My other favorite thing he does right now, in regards to his smiles anyway, is smile at himself in the mirror. And I’m talking like a shy, one sided, cheesy smile. It’s so cute. It doesn’t matter how tired or cranky he is, he will smile at himself every single time.

We’ve made the switch to formula, and he is a happy baby! Probably partly because I’m happy. I was exclusively pumping and it just ate up so much of my day, so I decided to stop. It would have been a pain once Brandon went back to work anyway, and it is so nice to not have to schedule that into our day. Hudson is going through this phase where he likes to take his time to finish a bottle. He’ll lay there and just suck without pulling any milk out, then go to town and drink for like two minutes, then just hang out again for a while. But the whole time he just wants to stare into my eyes, so honestly he can take as long as he wants to drink haha.

He can also roll over!! He doesn’t do it every single time we have tummy time, but we’ll get there. His neck has gotten so strong, and every day I am more impressed by the amount of control he has over it. I can’t wait until he has complete control over it and I don’t have to keep him from flopping over every time I hold him. But he’s also just kind of a spaz, so that might be a while.

We sure do love him though! We switched to 0-3 month clothes about a month ago, and I think he’ll be in them for a few more weeks. He is catching up though! He has the cutest rolls on his thighs, and the best double chin. He’s starting to get heavy though! I put a size 2 diaper on him today and I feel like it’s just barely too big. We still have so many 1’s, but I don’t think they are going to get used!

Brandon went back to work last week and honestly, I love having Hudson all to myself. I feel really selfish saying that, but it’s true. We have a good schedule down during the day, but I almost wish he wouldn’t nap so much haha. We get to play, read books, sing, talk to each other, and snuggle, and it’s the best. Of course we miss Brandon, but if anything it just forces us to live it up once he gets home. Having him here is the absolute best, and we are so happy to have him with us. I can’t wait to see what the next month brings!

Hudson’s top three faves:
1. Row, Row, Row Your Boat
2. Bath time
3. Sleeping. He gets so excited when it is time for bed!