Two Months!

Well I certainly am falling behind here, aren't I? One thing I have to say right now is that sometimes Hudson laughs in his sleep and it kills me. He's currently asleep on my chest and doing that very thing. I love him so much it hurts!

Our little guy turned two months about a week ago! We had his two-month appointment the other day, and I can't believe how much he's grown! He weighs 9 pounds 9 ounces, and is 21.5 inches long. He went from the third percentile to tenth for weight, which is awesome, and our doctor was very impressed with his weight gain. She also was impressed by the shape of his head, which is good, because it was starting to get a little uneven haha. He had his first round of shots at this appointment. He cried for just a minute at the appointment, but later that afternoon he had a fever and if he wasn't sleeping, he was screaming. It was so rough. We gave him a bit of tylenol before bed that night though, and when we woke up, we had our happy boy back! 

Speaking of happy, he has been smiling SO MUCH lately! Gone are the gassy we get real ones! He does this cute little half smile that just melts me. His eyes are still super blue, so we are curious to see how they look in the next month or so. I'd be so shocked if we end up with a blue-eyed boy, but it seems like that's where we're headed! Even the doctor thinks they will stay blue. And I noticed today that he has a freckle on his left eye!! He is my baby after all!! I think he looks so much like Brandon, which is great, since Brandon is a cute guy, but I do love to see my own features on Hudson. I still can't believe he's mine, so those little reminders are nice.

He is barely starting to grow out of his newborn clothes. His pajamas are getting shorter, so we've had to bump up to the 0-3's, but his clothes are still fitting for the most part. It's crazy to look at his preemie clothes and try to remember how he used to fit into them. It seems like so long ago, I don't know where the time has gone!

We took our very first trip with Hudson last week, and it was so great! We met Brandon's family in San Diego and spent a few days there with them, then drove to Anaheim and did Disney for two days. Hudson slept literally the entire time on both flights, which was really nice. He did well during the days we were there too, despite the heat. The night we went to the beach was really fun, because he stayed awake for a couple hours. He did the same thing when we went to Disneyland too. It was nice to see him with his eyes open for a few hours haha.

I feel like this post is full of exclamation points and excitement, but they are genuine. I haven't felt this happy in a long time. Even writing this post feels weird, because for the longest time all my posts were really emotional and deep. Our days are just filled with Hudson, and I wouldn't trade them for anything. Brandon still has two weeks left before he goes back to work, so from the time we wake up until the time we go to bed, we are having family time and we're loving it. I think we're all going to have a hard time when he goes back to work!

I'll post more about our trip sometime soon, but for now I just wanted to give a quick update on our little guy!