35 Week Bumpdate

June 5, 2018

Happy birth month, little baby!! As of today, we have two weeks until we get to meet you, and I can’t believe it. These last few months have gone by so quickly, yet somehow not fast enough. But it’s finally June, and we are so close!

My anxiety has been so awful these last couple weeks. I struggle with trying to do or think about anything besides you and your movement, so any time my focus is taken off of you, I get insanely cranky. Your poor dad has been such a good sport and is taking such good care of us, even though I don’t necessarily deserve it all the time. I am just ready for you to be here so I can stop worrying about you getting here. Luckily, you are moving so much still. On Saturday we were 34 weeks and 4 days pregnant, the same gestation as we were the day I didn’t feel Carter move. I appreciated you being so wiggly throughout the day, giving me constant reminders that everything was okay. Just keep doing that every day, okay? I will feed you whatever foods you want and lay down as often as you want, just keep moving!

Speaking of food and lounging, both have been really good lately. I am still having weird dreams and getting so sweaty when I sleep, but I am able to fall asleep quickly and not stay awake for too long after middle of the night bathroom breaks. These last couple weeks I’ve actually been falling asleep without a show on, which is a big deal. That hasn’t happened since we were pregnant with your brother. So, I guess even though I feel like my anxiety is through the roof, it must not be too bad since it’s not keeping me up at night.

We have been eating a lot of cheeseburgers lately, which I am totally fine with! If they help beef you up, then we will keep eating them. Not that I mind because dang are they good. Besides that, my other favorite thing to eat right now is waffles with peanut butter. Probably not the absolute healthiest breakfast, the I like to think that the peanut butter balances everything out.

Maybe it’s because you aren’t my first baby, but it has been interesting to feel my body preparing for labor. I didn’t feel much with Carter, just some occasional Braxton Hicks, but I didn’t start getting those until probably about now with him. I have been having Braxton Hicks with you for at least a month now. The fact that my body seems to be prepping for labor makes me feel like everything is going to work out this time. We’re hopeful, anyway. And when I say we, I mostly mean me, because your dad is good at just believing that everything is going to be just fine. He’s very optimistic. I hope you can learn that from him, since so much of my optimism has been squashed in the last two years.

We are both just so excited for you to be here, so you better get here safely. I know we’re only 35 weeks today, but feel free to come whenever. At this point, we’d rather help you grow outside of me than constantly live in fear with you in my tummy. I promise to keep going on walks, even when I don’t want to, if you promise to work your way out! We love you!

How far along: 35 weeks!!! Only two to go!!
Baby is the size of: a pineapple, which still seems so small!
Total weight gain: Who cares!
Maternity clothes: If necessary. But today/this week I’m rocking cheer shorts and a tank top, neither of which are maternity. But they are comfortable!
Sleep: Yes please.
Best moment this week: Last night I took a bath, and every time the water would settle, you would wiggle around and make it start moving again!
Movement: Thankfully.
Food cravings: Waffles and cheeseburgers! And cookie dough.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not mint.
Have you started to show yet: I don’t even know why this question is still on here.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Not even moody, just crabby. So. Freaking. Crabby.
Looking forward to: Doctor’s appointment tomorrow!!