14 Week Bumpdate

Hi little man!

This week with you has been good! We had another appointment on Wednesday last week, and got to see you again. You are getting so big!! We can’t believe how long and lanky you are. And so wiggly! I’m ready for your wiggles to get stronger so I can feel them more consistently, and so your dad can feel them too! You just keep growing!

We got to announce our news on social media on Friday, and it was so nice to finally share you with everyone. Everyone was so sweet and supportive, and sending us so much love. I just keep telling people that we’ll take all the prayers we can get!

So far, this pregnancy has been pretty uneventful. I never got too sick, was just tired, and didn’t have any crazy cravings. Beefy five layers from Taco Bell have sounded really good, so we’ve eaten a lot of those, but I am just thankful that fruit is finally appealing again. And it’s SO GOOD. Now if only we can get you back to liking pizza…

That’s basically it for this week, little guy. You keep being safe, and keep getting so big and strong! We love you!

How far along: 14 weeks! Into the second trimester!
Baby is the size of a: peach!
Total weight gain: 4 according to my scale. 1 according to the doctor’s scale. But the number on our scale at home is lower, so we’ll go with that haha.
Maternity clothes: Not yet. But when you don’t have a reason to leave the house, leggings work just fine.
Sleep: Getting better, but I keep waking up early in the morning and can’t go back to sleep!
Best moment this week: Seeing you on the ultrasound on Wednesday!
Movement: A little bit!! Mostly at night when we lay down for bed, just like Carter used to do!
Food cravings: Beefy five layers and also kiwis!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really, thankfully!
Have you started to show yet: I think so, but I also don’t feel as bloated lately, which is nice.
Gender: BOY!!!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody. SO moody.
Looking forward to: Three weeks until our next appointment!