New York: Day 6

Day 6 was another rough one. It seemed like we could only feel 100% every other day! We woke up early to go to the Museum of Natural History when it first opened, thinking we could avoid crowds, but we were wrong. Again. But I was so excited to be at the museum, since that is where Ben Stiller works in the movie Night at the Museum. That movie was a big deal at my house for a while! So we got in and started walking around, and my stomach was just hurting so bad. I don't know what was going on, but I was dying. Our tickets got us into one of the planetarium shows, so we went and watched a show about deep space, which was super cool, but also kind of blew our minds because space just goes on forever and ever and ever. 

It felt better on my stomach to sit, so we'd walk around for a bit, then sit, then walk, then sit, but after being there for about an hour and a half, I couldn't do it anymore. So we ubered back to the hotel (because walking for 30 minutes probably would have killed me) and I fell asleep for about an hour. I felt a little better after we woke up, I actually was hungry instead of in pain, so we hurried and got on the subway to High Line Park, an old railroad that has been converted into a nice walking path with benches and plants all along it. We got a hot dog from a street cart on our way to the park, because it was something we had decided we had to do while we were there, and honestly it was so good haha. I don't know if we were starving or what, but it hit the spot. The park was really pretty! It is about a mile and a half long, and we just walked the whole thing through a few different neighborhoods. It's kind of strange, because the rail runs right in between apartment buildings, so we basically could see into people's windows, but the concept itself is really neat. And I think it's great that, rather than just letting the rail rot or tearing it down, they turned it into something useful!

After the park we went to meet up with a friend of mine that is living in New York while he trains for work. We have been friends for fifteen years, which is so crazy to think about! I love his wife, who sadly wasn't there, but he and Brandon get along really well too, so it's a great friendship! We were there for about two hours, then left to go watch the Yankees play the Red Sox! We got there in time for the game to start, but there was a huge line to get in (out of the ordinary according to everyone there) so by the time we actually got to our seats (with hot dogs, of course) it was halfway through the third inning! It was a fun game, but the Yankees were getting there butts kicked until the sixth inning when some magic happened and they finally scored. They got three runs, and then that was it. So we left halfway through the eighth inning so we could beat the rush, got some soft serve on our way out, and then went back to the hotel to pack up so we'd be ready in the morning!

Our flight home left at 6:55 am, which meant that we had to get up at 3:30 in order to catch the subway around four. And our plane actually left on time! No delays or cancellations or anything! I tried sleeping on the plane, but could never stay asleep for very long, so it was kind of a long flight. Once we landed in Salt Lake, we caught an uber home, then stopped at Walmart for some food (because i hadn't bought groceries since before Brandon went to California) then went to go pick up the cats from his uncle's house. They were so happy to see us! Sophie just sat on Brandon's shoulders and kept meowing, and Milo just wanted to be held. I love when they are happy to see us haha.

After we unpacked and had lunch, we laid down for a two hour nap, then woke up for a little bit, had dinner, and fell back asleep from eight until ten, then just went upstairs to bed and slept until eight the next morning. When we woke up at ten, Home Alone 2: Lost in New York was on TV, which was kind of fun, and then it actually was on again the next day, so we watched it and reminisced about all the things we had seen and done while we were there. I'm glad we went when it wasn't freezing cold, but I think I would really love to go in the winter; there's something so magical and romantic about it.

The whole vacation was so fun, but I have to say, it's nice to be home. While in DC we hit week 23 of our pregnancy! Which means, that between the time we found out were were pregnant around week 6, and baby's due date, we were officially halfway. And I have to say that I am pretty impressed at my body for putting up with everything I put it through that week in DC! We walked so much, didn't sleep super well, and were eating out two of our three meals a day (thankfully the idea of ice cream hasn't appealed to me at all in the last 20 weeks or else that's all I would have eaten there), but somehow I had enough energy to make it through the week! I figure, when you're on vacation, or at least when I'm on vacation, I want to do and see as much as possible, so rest and relaxation have to take a backseat! Brandon told his mom that as long as I was still going, he had no excuse to be tired and complaining, so we crushed that week in DC and did as much as we could!

And then came New York. 

When we were originally planning the trip, we had thought about coming home on Thursday, but then decided to come home Saturday instead, giving us essentially two extra days there, and I'm so glad we did! It allowed us time to go to bed early, go back to the hotel and rest if necessary (which it was, for some reason), and not feel rushed to get through everything. I felt so good after the week in DC, but for some reason in New York, my body just quit on me and we had spent a lot more time sitting than we had in DC. I'm sure Brandon was grateful for it, in a way, because it allowed him some time to rest too. We still had so much fun, in fact, I would say we probably enjoyed New York more than DC, but it was nice to be able to relax a little more.

Moral of the story: next time I'm five months pregnant and decide to take a two week vacation, someone remind me to go to the beach.